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Colaberry Virtual Events

Explore our upcoming events where you can learn more about our programs, attend live competitions, or get a glimpse of student day to day activities.
  • Learn about our programs with our Virtual Career Switch Open House events
  • Attend live competitions and project presentations
  • Learn student day to day life with monthly sprint review events
Image of Colaberry's Virtual Open House event on Zoom conference call.

Upcoming Events

good life event
Thursday, August 1

The Good Life Event

Join us for the Good Life Event where we have Alumni talk about their success stories and give advice.
cap competition
Wednesday, August 7

CAP Competition

Communication Skills Challenge. Come watch your fellow classmates compete to be featured in our Monthly Data Challenge. Top 3 Move on!


Thursday, August 22

Data Talent Showcase

Join us in this live virtual event to meet our latest cohort of Data Analysts/Scientists who have been developing their skills in Colaberry Training Programs.

open house
Thursday, August 22

Virtual Career Switch Open House

Join our Virtual Career Switch Open House and explore exciting new career opportunities for your future!

internship sprint reviews
Thursday, August 29

Internship Monthly Sprint Review

Get ready to be amazed and inspired by our upcoming Internship Monthly Sprint Review!
Apply Now

Are you ready to make the switch?

Apply now or schedule a time to speak with a member of our admissions team.